The "ADVANCED STRATEGIES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT AND QUALITY CONTROL AND FOOD SAFETY "(Avansecal) with reference Nª S2013 / ABI - 3028, Project has been funded by the Community of Madrid , the European Social Fund and the European Fund Regional Development 2014-2018 with € 808,258.00€



  The Biotechnology Unit is located in the southern wing of the CQBA building and consists of four laboratories adapted to house 2-4L bioreactors to carry out fermentation processes and enzymatic reactions.

Video Biotechnology


This laboratories, together with two cold rooms in this Unit, occupy a surface of 100 sqm and is also adapted to carry out contaminated water treatment processes with persistent organic pollutants (pesticides, PAH, detergents, etc) and polymeric materials related projects.

Video Biotechnology

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